The Children's Hospital here in Denver says to get them evaluated at 9 months if they're not babbling. Not sure what you have in your area, but they probably would say about the same. My daughter was not babbling at 8 mos. and I was very worried. (I'd love to have just one kid who doesn't need speech therapy!) At 9 months she started babbling right on cue. Now, at less than 10 months, she says "Dada", "Mmmmmma-mmmmmma" (not sure if that's acceptable or not), "Bu-Bu" for both "Buddy" and Bye-bye. She is also using several sign language signs which, although it helps develop language, can delay speech, although not always. I know our Children's Hospital was very helpful when I started calling for my daughter's problems. I really had a bunch of non-specific questions. They asked a lot of questions and got us set up for an evaluation. She's now in feeding therapy 2x a month, which should help with speech also. It doesn't hurt to call. You might just find out he's well within the norms. They'll know what to ask to assess that. GL!