Hi, my peditrician said at my daughter's 9 mo. visit that she may start waking up to eat around 2 am for a couple of weeks and that it was normal. He said just feed her - she's having a development spurt and it won't last long. That said, if you feed her then she goes right back to sleep, she probably was just hungry and you could try doing a dream feed for a couple of weeks around 11. But if you feed her and she's still up after you put her back down, I'd stop the bottle and let her settle back down on her own if she can - it's probably separation anxiety or something. My kids also share a room and we put a sleeping mat on the floor in our room for our 3 yr. old so that he can come into our room if his sister is up crying for a little bit (I never leave her more than 15 mintues but he sometimes wakes up before that). She almost always goes back to sleep on her own - unless she's hungry! Good luck : ).