My daughter did this is sooo tiring. I feel for you, just when you think everything is good...then they start night I counted 7 times and my husband was on midnights @ the time....not fun :(
The first thing I would do is make sure I didn't pick her up unless I needed to give her a bottle...the more i picked her up the more she expected it and that prolonged the process. I learned that the majority of the times she cried she just wanted reassured I was still there, one time I walked in and she smiled and said "hi":)
And crying it out did the same thing to her, it made it worse...we got the rainforest thing you hang on the crib that plays music or moves, when she did cry I went in comforted her, put the music on patted her back a minute and back to bed I went...she learned soon how to turn it on herself and now if she does cry it is only about once (which to some is bad but when you are in there every hour...once a night is good! haha) and usually I hear her put it on and goes back to sleep:)
Good luck, I know it is frustrating...:)
Happy New Year and Sleep to you and your family!