Hi C.!
Yes, in general, girls are developing at an earlier age than we did. Before becoming a stay-at-home mom, I was a 4th/5th grade teacher for 7 years. It was not uncommon for girls in my class to come to me, upset and frightened, because they had started their period for the first time. It's good that you're going to talk to her about it. You want her to be prepared and not scared. Just a little information I learned as to why this earlier development is happening.... there are three possible reasons that I learned of: (1) an increase of hormones used in meat products that are consumed by children, (2) an increase in sexual content found in the media, which will "jump-start" an evolutionary response to be able to reproduce, and (3) girls living with a stepfather or other adult male to whom they are not biologically related will develop earlier as well, for the same reason as explaination (2). Kind of strange, I know, but that's what I learned in a child development class I took. Just thought you might be interested in the possible reasons for this earlier development. Take care and good luck!