Has anyone ever mentioned reflux to you? Both my kids had reflux & the screaming/refusing the bottle thing is definitely symptomatic of it.
Is your ds spitting up a lot? Some kids with reflux do, and others have what is called "silent reflux" where the stomach contents travel back up the esophagus, but never get spit up (sorry for the gross image, there!)
Reflux can be caused by structural immaturities, which are common in preemies & which generally go away around a year of age.
It can also be caused by food allergies -- that was my kids' issue.
In the case of a structural cause, many peds will recommend Zantac, as well as keeping the infant upright during & after feedings, elevating the head of the crib, and other preventative measures.
If food allergies are the cause then a change in formula (or your diet if you're breastfeeding, since everything you eat goes into your milk) is probably in order. I know someone else mentioned switching from a milk-based formula to a soy formula, which might be an option. My kids both needed hypoallergenic formula, which was expensive, but worth every penny, since it made their tummies so much better!
Good luck!