IM in the same boat! Looking for women who have gone through placenta previa &/or Abruptions & got pregnant again Myself?? Im 29 yeras old & I had "Partial Placenta Previa" with my 1st son this year. Went in for my 20week check up(& to find out the sex) & they had to do a internal ultrasound to find my placenta & It was "Low-lying." They gave me the same old line, "most women's placentas are low lying at 1st but eventually move up as the uterus grows." We crossed our fingers for the next 8 weeks, went in, & Dr.Says, "Well, it moved up a centimeter so we'll go ahead & clear you.. resume all normal activity." & So I did. Nothing too strenuous, just normal everyday life. 2 days later I start bleeding (A lot) all of the sudden. My husband rusehes me to the hospital, (I'm 28weeks pregnant at this point, which was in January of this year).. I was contracting as if I was in labor & Delivering blood clots the size of lemons. Never been so terified in my life. The ultrasound showed a "Low-lyig Placenta," not complete but I guess I was having partial abruptions. After they got mostly everything under control, except for the bleeding(Bled for the next 2 weeks in the hospital) I spent 61days in high risk maternity on my back. My son was scheduled to deliver a month early because they were afraid I may go into lablor which would increase the chance of a complete abruption, which is life threatening. Anyway, during the C-section my Placenta WAS delivered 1st, they tried to get the baby out quick because he was losing oxygen, He wasnt cooperating & moved himslef sideways up near what felt like my lung/throat area, unfortunately they were forced to slice my uterus into a "T-Line" in order to have more room to grab him, they pulled him out by one leg, he wasnt breathing at 1st but within seconds he was. (Thank God). Recovery was a nightmare with that extra cut on my uterus & unfortunately within the 1st 10weeks of my "recovery" I experienced LOTS of bleeding, underwent a UAE(Uterine Artery Embolization) to try & stop my bleeding, then finally did a D&C & they found a polyp on my Uterus.I became very ANemic & my bones have since becomome very weak as if I were 90 years old. I REALLY want another child but am terrified to get pregnant & was wondering if anyone out there has gone through any of this(Previa,Abruptions,T-line uterus cuts, UAE, etc...) & Proceeded to have a 2nd child & how that went?? Thanks..