Hi J.,
I will forward your letter to my son, who is a dentist, and see what his advice is. I'm really surprised the dentist didn't go ahead and give you a prescription for an antibiotic, but I'm not a doctor.
Edited: I received a response from my son and am going to attach it to my response:
Saving the tooth is the best option due to the need to maintain the space...if the tooth ends up being extracted a space maintainer of some sort will need to be placed until the permanent tooth erupts. Removing the source of the infection (the decay and necrotic tissue of the pulp, the nerve and blood supply, of the tooth) should allow for normal healing from the body's own immune response. Typically if there is obvious swelling I will prescribe oral antibiotics to ensure quick healing and reduction of the infection. If you notice any swelling that could potentially close her airway or makes it hard for her to swallow, get her to the emergency room as they will need to provide IV antibiotics. If the swelling is not gone by Monday take her back or call your physician and see if they will get her an Rx.
Considering the need for multiple restorations and the current situation I can only offer possible advice not knowing your lifestyle. Make sure that your water is fluoridated...bottled water contains no flouride. Also make sure 6 month cleanings and exams are being done. Due to the age of your daughter a parent should be brushing her teeth until she is about 7-8 years old, she can brush first but you need to be brushing them after to ensure proper hygiene. Children do not possess the appropriate dexterity to thoroughly and effectively clean their own teeth. Diet is typically the main issue with children who have many cavities. Fruit juices and milk are often the cause due to the high concentration of acid and sugar. Make sure they are not going to bed with anything at all to drink and make sure that all juice is watered down 50/50 to prevent further damage as well. If you have any other questions feel free to ask!
Shawn M. Kerby, DDS
If you would like to have further advice from Dr. Kerby you may contact him through me.