Acne During Pregnancy - Pearl City,HI

Updated on August 30, 2007
W.A. asks from Pearl City, HI
6 answers

Hi all. I am 15 weeks pregnant with my second child, and day by day I am breaking out more and more with painful pimples which are under the skin. The type where you cant "pop" them, they are just painful red bumps. I dont know what to do about it really, cause I dont have any experiance with acne. Growing up I never had any acne or pimples , ever. prior to being pregnant I'd get little blackheads or white heads but nothing painful and nothing like this. I have read that it is normal due to hormones to break out during pregnancy, but I am looking for any advice or treatments that some of you may use/used during your pregnancies? I know there are lots of stuff out there to help it but I'm afraid of what can and cannot be used during pregnancy. My doctor wasnt helpful he said to just wash my face with a cleanser and use witch hazel. It's not!

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So What Happened?

Thank you so much for all of your advice. I decided to go with the proactive. My doc cleared it as safe and probably the best option for me since my acne is only brought on by hormonal changes due to pregnancy. In regard to the other products you all suggested this helps as well because I am passing them on to my cousin who sufferes from serious acne and she will greatly benefit from your suggestions. Thank you again for your time to respond. Mahalo!

More Answers



answers from Los Angeles on

W. I'm going through the same thing right now, though not to the same degree just yet (mine come to a head pretty quickly, but boy are they ugly!). It's embarassing... I'm 30!

My youngest daughter, who is 8, started having problems with oily skin and acne about a year ago. Her pediatrician suggested we use the Oxy bar soap. It works great on her face and I've started to use it on mine (my OB was okay with it). I don't like the way it dries out my face, so I only use it every other day, but it's really seemed to help control things - I haven't had any more under-the-skin breakouts and only a few surface breakouts around my nose.

Best of luck to you!!



answers from Milwaukee on

I used Proactive before, during and after my two pregnancies and even with all the hormones, my skin looked great. Its the only thing that has ever worked for me. My doctor says its perfectly safe during pregnancy. Try it. You'll be amazed at the results.



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi, it sounds like systic acne, its not just something that will go away by washing your hands. Systic acne is not a dirt thing on the face, i battled with it for years, it scarred my face. What i learned is that you have to fight it from the inside. Its not a topical thing, if you fight it from the outside it will only cause redness and irration. I went on acutane to get rid of mine, that was years ago, and is totally not reccomended for pregnant woman. My acne did clear up, but like i said there was scarring. I take Monavie, every day, there is a formula for pregnant woman, my skin has never looked better or felt better. I personally have never felt better. I am on the active formula, like i said there is a formula for pregnant woman and children. It is straight fruit, seed, peel and all, containing the Acai Berry whcih is said to be youth in a bottle, what this does for your skin and body is amazing. I am a personal distributor, my website is
If you have any questions or need more info. please call me, my phone number is on the website.
Good Luck, A.!



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi. I have an acne system that is non-comeogenic and hypo-allergenic. I have battled acne for years and these stuff works and not harmful since it is topical. If interested, email me back and I will give you the link to look at online.



answers from Los Angeles on

I had the same issue, although not painful acne, just red bumps that were on my chin area and around my nose. I never had skin issues as a teen either. Nothing worked - nothing. I just had to live with it. Witch Hazel is probably the best to keep the area clean, and use a mild moisturizer - but you are right, it's pregnancy hormones, very common. I hated it, but just had to get used to it. It completely disappeared around the 5th month (I think), but then..... I had to deal with elephant cankles! Good luck. Maybe get some sun - I've heard that sometimes help clear up the skin, something about the vitamin D. OH, and get a mild facial, a professional one!



answers from Los Angeles on

Try a hot wet cloth and hold it on. I've had cystic acne all my life and this is the one thing that helps me. Gross, but it usually will help it come to a head. It may not be till the next day but it draws all the stuff out. I just repeat it a couple times during the day. Hope this helps.

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