YIKES! I hae a friend who is a pharmacist - and she tells me that she's always afraid she's going to make a horrible mistake becuase they handle so many scripts for just one pharmacist.
I would not sue. I am not crazy about all the lawsuits we get ourselves into. That being said I would make sure that corporate is well aware that your child got a medication filled at 3 times the prescribed dose. That is serious. The company's CEO is Ed Crenshaw, the president is Todd Jones. Their address is:
Publix Super Markets Corporate Office
3300 Publix Corporate Parkway
Lakeland, FL 33811
Write a calm, clear letter about the harrowing experience you had. Ask them to explain what their current procedure is to ensure that patients get teh correct medication and dosage. Ask them what steps are they going to take in this specific instance and to prevent this from happening in the future. See how they respond. My feeling is that you give the company a chance. If they do not respond appropriately, to your satisfaction, then you should consider a lawsuit.
Finally as it relates to Adderal - there are a lot of ADD medications. My son has been on two differnet types. I've always been careful about not using ia medication that has too long a time-release period. My son's current medication is designed to cover a 7 hour span of time. My feeling is that it covers school & homework. hi steacher can't do much becuase she's got another 15 - 20 kids to teach and having a kid who can't sit still and doesn't pay attention makes it more difficult. It's not your son's fault - but it's not the teacher's either. We were all made differently - some kids are active and need to be heavily angaged - physically - to follow educational processes. Unfortunately, school is designed to teach kids who sit still and pay attention.
Don't use this awful experience to make a decision about medication. My son, who I thought would never do well in school, is now in middle school and doing amazingly well - thanks in part to proper medication. you know, you can overdose on water, tylenol or cough medicine too - but that doesn't mean you shouldn't consider using them in the correct dosage.
Good luck mama. you can send me a message if you want any information on various medications and treatments for ADD / ADHD we've tried lots of things over the years and have discovered what works well, what works somehwhat, and what doesn't work at all. I could write a book. ;o)