My daughter is ADHD and in the genius level for her age. She is 4yrs old and has been on medication for a year now. I normally would say no to medication, but her safety was the main reason. Kids with ADHD dont think things through or realize the consequences until its too late, medication can help them through the thought process and understand things more clearly. My daughter showed signs of being gifted since she was a baby. She was crawling at 5 months and walking at 8 months. Eversince then shes been ahead of everyone else her age. She is in headstart and that program has helped tons I cant even express how much it has helped her. Eventhough her teacher says she already knows a lot of the stuff theyre teaching, just the interaction with other kids and the structure helps a lot. Kids with ADHD NEED structure and you cant bend it either or they will try to control you, because then they know they can. (ive learned that the hard way) The main thing is embrace your child for what they do, even if its being out of control. I tell my daughter shes getting a little too excited and she knows when she is. She will even tell me she needs to calm down but needs help sometimes. It takes time to handle, but I explain everything to her and she understands, usually the first time because theyre so smart. Good Luck :)