It's not my job to confront anyone. There is a chain of command and that's why bosses get paid the big bucks.
Plus - I have such little faith in humanity. Not all of humanity..... just most of it. But I've lived a life. Sad, yes. but people who break the rules don't care. They don't care what I think, they don't care what you think and they don't care what the rules are. They are selfish and are *here* (or work, or wherever) to futher their own agenda.
So, I take it a level up and let someone else decide if it's worth the time to handle. not me. I have other things to focus my attention and energy on.
Even with minor issues - if there is a rule.... it should be followed. If it doesn't matter if you follow it.... don't have the rule. But if there is rule it should be followed. Part of my job as a safe and caring community member is to alert the authorities if the masses aren't following the rules. There's more of us (the masses) than there are authorities.... so we all have to pitch in and help.
That's how neighborhood watch was started. It's the premise. Watch out and see if people are here that aren't supposed to be..... doing things they aren't supposed to be doing. Because the police can't be everywhere. So- you *tattle* if that's what you want to call it. So that someone CAN come in and handle it.
I don't EVER worry about someone *reporting me*. Here, work, personal life. I'm in the clear. I'm square, as they say. So, I know in an audit or investigation I'll come out clean.