If it isn't possible because of finances call around and find out where there is a dental school or services that you could pay off. Sometimes they are there but growing out in a different way. If there is some other reason it's not possible (like transportation or something?) ask around where someone knows. Believe me, you and your children need a dentist. My husband and I have been losing teeth more recently and some of it is definitely due to staying away from the dentist. He was born in a different country and never, ever went to a dentist and while I acquired a bad set of gums from my mother, (she actually says sorry to that one haha) I also acknowledge that i didn't know how to care properly and I am paying for this later on. And I really do not like how look with a few missing teeth. The others have moved slightly and it is very expensive to get false ones> (my husband just did for the bottom). Good luck. It is probably nothing, but you don't want to shy away from the dentist.