Hi I have a jack russell/ sheltie mix. He is almost 2 last summer he started nipping at my 3 year old, at first on the hand, the last time he bit him on the face and it drew blood and left a little scar. It scarred all of us. The vet said next time he could lose an eye. I have been keeping them seperated since June, unless I can be right there. It has been a pain but I have been looking for a new home for my dog. I am very nervous that he will end up in the wrong hands. I have heard if you give a dog away he is likely to die, either being used as bait or nothing invested in the dog financially, so they don't care if it runs away or what may happen to it. I am hoping word of mouth through friends and family will pay off. In the mean time I will keep them seperated as long as I have to.
Good luck