It is very common for one year olds to become very picky eaters. It's especially hard with meat because the texture is tougher for them to eat. My first son liked it, but didn't do well with chewing it so would often stash meat in his cheek until we took it out. From all I hear, doctors generally say to just go with it when they are picky, as long as you provide nutricious food, they won't starve themselves and they'll be fine. I can surely relate with the picky first son will eat just about anything, but my second son would often rather not eat than eat his meal!! He's almost two and is EXTREMELY picky (even to the point that food cannot touch each other on the plate)!!! It is not at all uncommon for him to skip an entire day of meals or just pick at them and then the next day he'll have a big meal. And what he'll eat one day, he won't necessarily eat the next. I have the 3 year old and I do home day care, so I honestly don't even pay that much attention to what he eats, because I figure he'll eat eventually when he is hungry enough. He doesn't get the sweets he wants as an alternative. He just waits til the next meal and we see if he'll eat that. He's strong willed, has a major sweet tooth, and a low appetite...COMPLETE opposite of our first son!