B. my daughter has a hole in her eardrum and has not been healing for months now, and it's not due to eardrum rupture. that's one, it is a very heartw renching situation as it is and i would not put a child at risk for having one ruptured
2. i just cancelled my overseas trips, 4 tix, cost me 800, 200 per ticket, so you won't lose all your money just 400 for both of the tickets. i know it's a lot but it's still less than the full ticket which i am guessing ran around a 1000 for each tix.
3. if you can get your ENT to say in writing no flying for your child, the agency nor the airlines will charge you this cancellation fee. get that letter, fax it to your travel agency, and if needed fax it to your airline (doubt you'll need to do that unless you bought it from the airline directly).
no matter what others say, it's your son's doctor who said it, and he is the one you should listen. no flying for your son. i know it hurts and i know you're homesick. i am going through exact same turmoil having cancelled my trip to see my family, and there is not a night i don't feel like i am carrying a one ton sack of potatoes in my heart. but your son's health comes first
good luck