Go with the real leather! and the heated seats! and the auto starter. Luxuries I have become accustomed to in our winters! From those I know with the letherette, it just does not stand up as well to the weather changes, etc over the years and becomes more 'brittle'.
We have real leather in our two vehicle, one light and one black. Keep in mind that the one with black gets HOT! in the summer. The interior gets hotter and it's hot to the touch. You have to be careful if kids are getting in by themselves. I spent most of this summer with a towel on my seat! I've also invested heavily in Sun Shades. The lighter interior is much cooler and ours after 5 years does not yet look dingy even though we do not put as much tlc into it as we should. The black needs just as much care, especially with the milk? splatters etc, they show white and really look bad, but are easily wiped away. Armor All has wipes for Leather too. They work great for a quick clean.
Good Luck and Congrats on getting a new car!