I don't know her... so can't toss in 2 cents there BUT:
As a mum who has "done it all" (full time work, full time home, part time work, in school, and every combo of the above)...
I can tell you I've been at my absolute BUSIEST and most exhausted as a SAHM. (Not true for everyone, of course, just true for me). Working full time (days) was SUPER easy. Oh my goodness, I can't even say how easy it was. Wake up, morning madness over in 30 minutes, out the door, drop kiddo off... and nothing but "me" time for an hour (commute), work, then another 30 minutes of me time (break), work, another whole hour of me time (lunch) then, wait for it ANOTHER break so 30 minutes of me time, and then a whole hour of me time commuting home. I could easily run errands to and from work or at lunch, make phone calls, work half a day to go to the doctor. Then I picked my son up and got "best" time (snuggles and dinner and giggling in the bath and stories and bed)... and wait for it... more ME time!!! Granted, 'trapped at the house' me time... but I'd just spent all day only responsible for MYSELF and out and about as needed so home was relaxing. Since I was only home for dinner and sleep and weekends my house was IMMACULATE. So easy to do when no one is there in the daytime! I didn't tend to do a lot of social things when working FT because I got a ton of social interaction at work and not a lot of time with my son... so my time with him was purely with HIM. Someone else was doing all the daily grind / heavy lifting with him, so I got to be 'best loved mom', instead of this person I'm sick of from having been with all day and whose put me in 4 timeouts and told me I can't watch a movie/eat brownies for lunch/jump off the roof. Occasionally I'd arrange sitting and go out, but it was quite rare. Maybe once a month tops for a few hours.
Being a SAHM, otoh, I find to be *exhausting*. I have a bare minimum of a 14 hour day with NO breaks, NO commutes to relax to, NO time to 'stop off' for something and have it take 3 minutes instead of 20+ plus meltdowns if there's too much sensory overload. I am completely responsible for him every single waking moment. During the 4 hours a day, 4 days a week he was in preschool... those days were split up into clean the house day, personal time day, run around and do errands day, meet up with friends/or make phone calls day. IN A WHOLE WEEK I got as much personal time as I did in 1 day working. ANY time I wanted even half an hour to myself I had to arrange for someone else to be with him. I spent MUCH more time arranging sitters so I could go out with adults and speak in full sentences. When he was in preschool I only didn't "have him" 16 hours a week. When I was working FT it was 50.
Now... I personally LIKE being a SAHM better than being a FTWM, but for me... about a 1000x busier doing the stay at home thing than the working thing.