S., you've answered your own question in the first paragraph:
"She's in a very competitive high school..."
Her spirit is being killed. She's in an environment where the joy of learning has been removed, and it's all about competition and winning. Get her out. Send her to an art school. Send her to Paris or South America. Let her take a Gap year hear where she works on a farm in Hawaii.
S., she is being crushed...I'm the team lead for Mountain View High Schools' Stressed Out Student team, and we've just finished a school-wide survey on stress, stressors, and what kids want us to do about it.
The message is loud and clear -- they want to be challenged academically, but they also want to be kids, teenagers, have some control over their destiny. Didn't we, as teenagers? We are killing our kids, literally, with the stress we are inflicting on them. We have removed the pure joy of learning from the learning process.
Call me if you want any more ideas on how to help her...
J. J-T