Go to a park, go to the library, go to a store. Just getting out & away will help.
Hi Moms!
I am a stay-at-home mom and have a two-year-old. My husband is gone most of the time. We have moved to the middle of nowhere due to the economy, and I don't know a soul here. I also have no family to help. I've looked for mommy groups, but due to the fact that that there's nothing here, there's no such thing as a mommy group. I am overwhelmed and exhausted. I find myself being short with my little one, and it breaks my heart...feel like a horrible mom. Anyone out there in the same or similar situation?
Go to a park, go to the library, go to a store. Just getting out & away will help.
Does your library have a story hour?
Start a meet up group or something so that you can meet new people in the area. Attend a church or find out when classes start at the local college.
Explore the area you live in and see what there is to offer.
There has got to be something there you can do.
The other S.
Go to mops.org. They are a mother of preschoolers group. They often are held at churches, so you might have one near you!! (You don't have to affiliate with the church or religion.)
Yep been there myself. When my first was 4 months we moved to a third world country where we knew no one for my husband's job. It was in the middle of nowhere, there were no other stay at home moms and here I was with a tiny baby while my husband was at work. Very overwhelming and exhausting. Get out for walks, gardening, church and look around the closest town to see what's going on.
Go to the library for reading time. You will see other moms there.
Go to the local mall to walk around....just to get out of the house.
Google events in your town (fairs, outdoor markets)
Do things to make you happy so you can be happier taking c/o your baby:
-call your old friends
-rent a funny movie from the Redbox kiosks. Laughter is good medicine
-do you have a computer set up for "face time" to keep in touch w/family?
-is there a local gym w/a kids club you could try? (the workout for you, the
help w/your little one is for you, the kids club can be fun for your little
one.....even if you only go for 30 mins
-check out a book for yourself from the library
-next time at the groc store, look for the cheapest magazine (All You etc)
and buy one for yourself. Then if you can afford the subscription (remember to look for the absolutely dirt cheap magazine) & subscribe to
it...nice to have a little "gift" in the mail each month
-write little notes to your friends back home asking them to drop you a line
-find other mom websites/blogs like this one
-ea morning remind yourself of the important things you are thankful for
-give yourself 10 mins each day to feel sorry for yourself then tell yourself
you are okay, you can do this & that you are going to have a great day
-I know this is hard for you but do things you think will make your every
day life better
-rest when your baby rests or sits playing so you can have some energy
When I was on my own, I would even go to the local store just to walk around & change my scenery (the 4 walls of my house). I would take my time in the store looking at their gadgets, picking up some groceries, letting my little one look at all the toys in the toy aisle.
Go to local parks. Visit all of them. Go to the local zoo, if you have one.
Hang in there!
Do you belong to a church? Even if the church doesn't have any official groups, the pastor or church secretary might know some moms in the area that would love to get together with you. I wish I had done it when my oldest was that age!
Besides the library, parks, nearby mall with a soft-play area, check out the local YMCA or Park District for "Mommy and Me" or "Parent/Tot" classes. That's really what got me going and helped me meet other moms. The classes were generally 30 minutes to an hour, but it got us out of the house!
If you get to know some other moms, you might be able to trade babysitting. Maybe you could give each other a couple of hours each week. That would be a huge help psychologically.
Hang in there! The more you are able to get involved and meet other moms, the easier it gets.