Based on my holisitic ideas about food allergies, and my husband's advice to me when my sons had breastfeeding digestion issues...
I would make sure all my milk & beef products are organic (who knows but the hormones given to cows or pestcides used on their grain have not impacted her- especially since beef allergies are not quite so common? I know people who swear they cannot eat certain foods due to allergies but switch to organic and discover it was really a horrible chemical sensitivity that brought on the reaction. Not saying this is so with your daughter, but *might* be a factor in the situation).
Secondly, with your baby, I'd make sure to be taking GOOD probiotics. Foundational thing to do for your baby is start them off with a round of good microbial flora and digest your own food very well so they are not getting poorly digested food-made breastmilk. And when I took digestive aid teas my breastfed baby did so much better in his digestion.
I'd use a "delayed" vaccination schedule. If you are staying home with them, you can wait a little on certain things and buy yourself some time for his system to mature before it has to process all the shots. Why does this help? Researchers are linking vaccination-induced immune stress on conditions such as "leaky gut syndrome" in which poorly or partially digested food particles seep through the walls of "stressed" gut linings and enter the bloodstream, causing hyper, unnatural reactions when the body treats it as "foreign" invaders.
From a recent article I read *Pay special attention to the end part about the inflammation of the gut- I'm not trying to push any autism scares, just noting that digestion/absorption *can* be impacted by the current vaccine schedule*:
"The first research project to examine effects of the total vaccine load received by children in the 1990s has found autism-like signs and symptoms in infant monkeys vaccinated the same way. The study's principal investigator, Laura Hewitson from the University of Pittsburgh, reports developmental delays, behavior problems and brain changes in macaque monkeys that mimic "certain neurological abnormalities of autism."
The findings are being reported Friday and Saturday at a major international autism conference in London.
In addition to Hewitson's oral presentation today, on Saturday in one of two related poster presentations, the researchers also are reporting in their abstract that "vaccinated animals exhibited progressively severe chronic active inflammation [in gastrointestinal tissue] whereas unexposed animals did not. We have found many significant differences in the GI tissue gene expression profiles between vaccinated and unvaccinated animals." Numerous scientific studies, as well as many parents, report severe GI ailments in children with regressive autism..."
Probiotics help a lot here. I'd get some for your 2.5 yr old, the better she digests her food the less likely more allergies will develop. And she sounds very sensitive, so I'd choose organic foods for her. If she's already having such strong responses to natural substances, don't risk the unnatural ones!
Side note, I think the best foods to introduce to babies are apples, pears, & "stone" fruits. Then, some veggies. Then, some grains in the form of homemade porridges. Set the grains to soak overnight in the pot then bring it to a boil in the morning and cook. This improves grain digestability.
Do you notice that all the foods your daughter is allergic to are PROTEINS? Proteins can be hardest to digest, and babies are getting the protein they need from breastmilk. I try to hold off until 1 year old for additional proteins as long as my baby is getting lots of my milk. Then I introduce goat milk yogurt which is a much smaller protein molecule than cow's milk. Fats are more important than protein anyway. Regardless of what is fad nutrition in our country, studies of the healthiest people on earth and indigenous tribal people show their ratio of dietary fat was more than triple ours (around 60% or more), and protein less than half ours (like 15%). For example... before our food and medicine reached the eskimos and they thrived on blubber (read:fat) they had very strong bones and teeth (and didn't drink cow's milk).