We go to doctor Melvin Joki in Mansfield. My baby is very allergic to many foods. He ordered an Allergy test for him at 6 months, and we found that he is allergic to Dairy, Soy, Wheat, Egg White, Peanuts, Sesame Seeds, and Dog Dander. It will help you heaps to know which foods to reduce, or completely avoid depending on the severity. Its a contreversial issue on how to approach certain allergies which are not fatal and probably cause something like a light eczema only. Do you continue to give that food so that they get immuned, or do we completely cut it down? Do we give them allergy shots? I guess the answer to this would be your gut feeling. Until last week I exclusively breastfed him (he will be 1 year in 2 weeks), so I looked at the severity of the allergy, and I completely took my peanuts out of the diet, but I still had some milk every day. I went to an allegist and he told me to just take things like milk, wheaty food in moderate. Now that he is not breastfed he takes a hypo-allergenic formula. Anyways each childs severity of the allergies would defer, and best thing is to consult your baby's pedi and an allergist and go with your gut feeling according to the results you would get. Also the allergist told me not to completely rely on the test, we have to try the foods and see how he reacts. And he said that they will do a test when he is three years old, and that test will be more accurate than these infant allergy tests.