Also Seeking Gentle Pediatric Dentist in South Bay/Torrance/El Segundo Area

Updated on October 05, 2010
D.L. asks from San Pedro, CA
15 answers

Like Kelly M. in San Diego, I'm looking to find a gentle pediatric dentist in the South Bay area, Torrance, Redondo or Manhattan Beach, or El Segundo. My 2 yr old daughter is a handful and not a fan of any type of confinement (getting her in the car seat is not easy), so I'm looking for a fun, happy place to take her for her first dental experience. I've Googled dentists in the area but don't trust the internet reviews from total I'm a little worried and want to hear from you folks who have had good experiences somewhere in the area.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Frank Enriquez and Nick Brajevich in Torrance are FANTASTIC. My autistic son won't sit for a haircut, but will sit through x-rays, fillings, even the restruction of a chipped tooth!

They're on Hawthrone Blvd. just past Lomita Blvd.

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answers from Los Angeles on

My son goes to a wonderful dentist in Torrance. Dr. Chen is gentle and very kind. My son has been seeing her for about 2-3 years now. Her number is ###-###-####. She shares an office with Dr. Greenstadt. The office is on Torrance Blvd. directly across the street from Wahoo fish tacos and Sports Authority. She is just wonderful, I would recommend her to any parent looking for dentist for their children.

I would not recommend Magicland Dentistry in Torrance. The dentist was not attentive or considerate of my son's feeling. We only went for a consultation and did not have any work done at all. The office moves very slow, appointment times mean nothing. We waited for 2 hour past our appointment time and when we finally saw the dentist. He was quick and didn't really want to explain any procedures in great detail.He also wanted to do several dental procedures at once under "happy juice".




answers from Los Angeles on

Try magicland Dental in Torrance. 21229 Hawthorne Blvd. Ste B
###-###-####. I did plenty of research and chose Magicland Dental. I was happy with the way the staff attended my 14 month old daughter. The dentist was patient and caring. The office, including waiting area is very kid friendly and fun to be in.



answers from Dallas on

The very best is Pacific Dental Aesthetics in Manhattan Beach. They cater to moms and can take care of children at the same time either in the waiting room or for treatment. They are gentle, patient and non-judgemental. The office is very high end but very reasonable. They have coupons on their website for whitening. Not sure all the insurances they take but both me and my girlfriend go there and I know we have tottally different insurance, so you should ask that. They are great with making apointments too.

Their office phone number is ###-###-#### and their website is



answers from Los Angeles on

I can tell you where NOT to go! Our insurnce (military) only covers 1 ped dentist in our area. We went to Magicland Pediatric dentistry in Torrance with our 2 year old who is very even tempered and rarely gets bothered by anything and I was MUCH LESS than happy. We had an appointment at 10:30 am and were not seen until 12:45! I am not exagerating - I know because I had another DR. appointment scheduled for 1:30 in El Segundo and we were late. And when we were finally seen by the dentist she spent 3 1/2 minutes with us! No kidding. Then we had to make a 2nd appointment to come back for the cleaning and fillings (our daughter, adopted from China, has TERRIBLE TEETH)for 2 weeks later and were kept waiting again...only a half an hour but still we were the only people in the office when we arrived at 8:45. They didn't check to see if the "happy gas" had taken effect before giving her shots in her mouth (it didn't take effect because she was beathing through her mouth not her nose, which I pointed out to them) and strapped her to a board (hands, feet, neck, torso, everything)to do the cleaning and fillings. They told both me and my husband to leave the room and I said at least one of us is staying! I have never heard my daughter cry and sob like she did that day...not even the day of her adoption at 12 months old, when she was terrified. She cryed herself horse. It was a terrible experience for the whole family and I am currently looking for a new place to take her for her 6 month check up, but I'm afraid the dammage is already done and she is now terrified of the dentist. But I hope I can use the answers you get here to help us find a different dentist:)



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi D.,

We have a WONDERFUL pediatric dentist in Manhattan Beach. Her name is Dr. Janelle Holden, (310) 545 - 5757. Her office has a jungle theme, with fish tanks and murals on the walls. The kids get to choose what flavor of dental floss they want to use and what flavor gloves the dental assisstants wear! They have TVs with videos on in every room, which REALLY helps keep the kids occupied during their cleaning etc. They have a little room with video games that the kids can play while they wait for their appt. (although your daughter is probably too young for those). The staff is quick, efficient, friendly and VERY patient! The office runs like clockwork, and we rarely wait longer than 5 minutes. I just can't say enough good things about this dentist! Plus, the kids get to pick out a small toy after each visit. My kids actually look forward to going to the dentist!



answers from Los Angeles on

I found the best dentist in Manhattan Beach. Her name is Dr Holden. She is a pediatric dentist. I don't know her number off hand but I am sure you could google her. She is really great and her staff gentle and patient with the kids. He office has video games in the lobby which the older kids seem to love and an aquarium full of turtles and fish once inside the exam rooms. The exam rooms have tvs on the ceiling for the kids to watch while on the exam chairs. My 3 year old isn't thrilled to go to the dentist but the staff always puts him at ease. Take a visit and check it out. Hope this helps.



answers from Los Angeles on

I take my boys to see Janelle Holden in Manhattan Beach. She and her staff have been wonderful!

Here is her number: ###-###-####




answers from Los Angeles on

we take our 4-yer-old and 2-year-old to Dr. Eric Johnson in Torrance - by LCMH... you can alsoo try Janelle Holden in Manhattan Beach. I know a lot of people who go there...

T. Cota
Local Childcare Coordinator
Cultural Care Au Pair



answers from Los Angeles on

My kids (2 years and 5 years) also see Dr. Janine Holden in Manhattan Beach and she is fantastic. I also know of other parents who use her and love her. Good luck!



answers from Los Angeles on

I have a wonderful Dentist that you can look into. His name is Frank Enriquez and he is located in the Torrance area. His number is ###-###-####. He and his staff are wonderful with young kids. I have three crazy boys and they love to see Dr Frank. By the way, I drive from Long Beach to see him. Good Luck!!!



answers from Los Angeles on

hi D. me and my son who just turned 4 go to dr shawna omid on hawthorne blvd near carson. she is very great with kids her number is ###-###-####. she is very gentle with my son and a very nice team. hope this helps you.



answers from Los Angeles on

We have been extremely happy with our pediatric dentist in Torrance. She is affectionately called "Dr. Ruth The Tooth." Her real name is Dr. Ruth Becker. She is incredible as are her staff. Each visit is a tooth party and your child can dress up and have a very good time. In addition to the incredibly friendly environment, I have been really impressed with her dentistry. You can contact her office at:
3661 Torrance Blvd # 105
Torrance, CA 90503

Good luck! S.



answers from Los Angeles on

We use and love Dr. Janelle Holden in Manhattan Beach. Her new office is a wonderland for kids, and will keep the wiggliest and most reluctant of kids in the dental chair with the TV screen built into the ceiling and on the walls.



answers from Los Angeles on

We go to Dr. Chris Thanos in Torrance. He is extremely patient and kind to my son who has also has special needs. The office staff is great and he accepts Delta Dental. He's located near the corner of Torrance Blvd. and Crenshaw Blvd. 1122 Crenshaw Blvd, Torrance ###-###-####

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