I had a similar problem - here's how I swaddled without wrapping my little one up....
put a light recieving blanket down in the crib with a corner at the top - fold the top corner down and lay baby with his head above the folded corner (just like doing a regular swaddle)
then take the free corners at the sides and fold each over his arm and tuck it under his back - this way his arms are tight to his sides so he can't startle himself, but his body and legs are uncovered.
then he can be dressed in as little or as much as needed to be comfortable.
My babies both loved to be swaddled, and my youngest wanted to sleep that way until about 7 months. I don't see any reason to try to get them out of it if it makes them feel cosy and sleep better....they all out grow it eventually when they're a little more mobile.
Good luck!