Hi A.-
Why don't you go back for another test in a couple weeks? It's still pretty soon. S.
Hi, my name is A. i have a question and i would love to know what you all thought?
I started ovulating on june 24th and ended about june 27-28th. i woke up yesterday morning my back was aching so bad and my boobs were swollen and they hurt really bad today they are still that way my nipples have gotten really dark and i have been cramping up. i went for a blood pregnancy test yesterday it cam back neg. Is it just to early to tell or am i getting over excited. HELP!
Hi A.-
Why don't you go back for another test in a couple weeks? It's still pretty soon. S.
Too early to tell. Even if you are pregnant, no test in the world would tell so soon (even blood). When we were trying for our second baby, I took a test on Saturday (wanted to know if I could have a drink at dinner!) and it said negative. I tested again on Tuesday, the day I was expecting my period, and it was positive. I know it's hard to wait, but there's no other way! Good luck!
Those are all signs of pregnancy, unfortunately also signs of starting your period. So, you'll probably just have to wait (I know it's hard, I've been there) until you are at least a day or two late w/ your period and then try an over-the counter test. Best wishes to you! And if not this time, next time!
A. (Mom of five great kiddos and wife to one awesome hubby)
The blood tests detect the pregnancy hormones earlier, but I think with mine it didn't show up until I was 3 weeks along. They were doing pregnancy tests weekly because of some medication I was taking as part of a clinical trial. And then the OTC pee sticks won't show anything until you are close to missing your period.
I was told that it takes twelve days after conception for a prenancy test to be accurate. Being impatient (and certain that I WAS pregnant), I took four tests before getting a positive test on, you guessed it, day TWELVE!!! Good luck, and have fun waiting!
Waaaayyy too early to test. Give it another week or so! Good luck!!
I would say take another test when you are suppose to start your next period. It is still way early and there might not be enough hormone in your system yet to detect a preganancy. I know that MANY times I made myself believe I was pregant when I wasn't. Stay positive and take another test when your period should start. Good luck. L.
I took one of those tests that tell you that you are pregnant up to 5 days before a missed period...I took it 4 days before my scheduled period and it was negative...but I felt pregnant and did not start my period and took another one about a weel and a half later and had a postive!! Just wait it out until you have missed your period, I know its hard!
It might be too early. I think you have to wait two weeks to test...not sure if you can test earlier then that with the blood test.
I would agree with the ones who said to wait until you are 1-3 days late then do the over the counter test (or blood.) I usually had very distinct symptoms from conception when I was pregnant and I started feeling sick and tired before I missed my period. If I knew for sure I was pregnant before the test then I pretty much I was but there were times when it seemed like I was but I wasn't quite sure and sure enough I wasn't. I hate the waiting and I can understand your excitement! Good luck! Try to take you mind off of it until it is closer to your period.
It would be too early to tell if you just ovulated a week ago. Some first response tests will pick up HCG 4 days before your period, but every woman/pregnancy is different. When I got pregnant, the pregnancy test wasn't positive until the day after I should have started my period. I was sure I was pregnant, so I started testing earlier, and the earlier tests were all negative. I'd say wait until next week and test again.
It's too soon to test but if you are in toon with your body "when you know...you just know". If that makes sense. I knew right away with both of my pregnancy, especially my second. I starting showing signs within days of getting pregnant. I hope this helps and good luck.
HI A., When I was pregnant and didn't know it I woke up about 10 days after I had ovulated (I tend to ovulate early) and I had the WORST back ache I have ever had. I laughed and jokingly told my husband maybe this means I'm pregnant my back has never hurt this bad. Three weeks later my pregnancy test was so positive I knew before I had finished peeing! Good Luck!
It's probably two early....and isn't 3-4 days a long time to ovulate? Or am I wrong?
I seems to be too early to tell. The early symptoms of pregnancy can be similiar to those of the start of your period so it sometimes hard to tell based on that. I used the web md ovulation calendar when I was trying to get pregnant. You can plug in your last period and it will show you when a blood test and regular pregnancy test should be effective. Honestly though I would wait till the first day of your expected period to take a pregnancy test. I have wasted a lot of money in the past taking the 5 day early ones only to get my period a day later.
When I was pregnent with my first, I took at least 10 pregnancy tests, and they all came back negative. When I went to see my dr, she insisted that I was pregnant and had me take a blood test and I was pregnant! She told me that the 99% accuracy only applies to positive results, not negative. It sounds like it could be too soon to tell...just wait a week or so, then try the test again.
Dear A.,
PLEASE get a second opinion to make sure you do not have an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy. Not to scare you, but that could be very dangerous if not caught right away.
I know how anxious you must be to find out if you are indeed pregnant. I was that way last year this time after 6 months of trying and now I'm holding my 2 month old.
When you say you "started ovulating 6/24 and ended 6/27or 28" I assume you are talking about the presence of fertile mucus or perhaps a positive with an ovulation kit. The last day of fertile mucus or OPK positive is usually when the egg is actually released which would mean you were only 5-6 days post ovulation. In that case, the fertilized egg would just be starting to implant(usually 7-10 days after it is released). Pregnancy tests are not able to detect a pregnancy until after implantation. So, like your other good friends on this site, I recommend just waiting until your period is to begin before testing again. You very well could be pregnant, but time will tell. Best wishes! Try to enjoy even these days of waiting to find out. Becoming pregnant is such a wonderful miracle. A good book to read if you are trying to conceive is Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler, MPH. R. C. Nurse-Midwife since 1999 now married SAHM of 2