Firstly, I applaud you for even considering going back to school! We have 4 young kids, and my husband JUST graduated with his masters degree last week. It was a long-haul (many years) since he works full-time. I wanted to go back to school myself, and have taken a few classes here and there, but I learned to take it slowly so I don't become discouraged or overwhelmed. When you're both in school at the same time, it can be challenging to say the least. We found that our second life began at 8pm when the kids went to bed and we sat side-by-side on two computers doing homework/studying together. I would suggest just taking once class at first - and seeing how it works out for you.
It can be positive; in that you are both working towards a common goal and can be empathetic and supportive of one another. BUT, you'll really have to be a pro at time-management and organization. If you decide to enroll, I would suggest the following FIRST:
1. Get your house, car, closets, storage...CLEAN from top to bottom. Organize anything that you need to - so that you don't feel like you are letting your environment around you fall apart...so you can concentrate on school w/o guilt or distraction. It makes all the difference!!
2. Make up a family calender - putting "date-nights" with hubby down at least 1-2 a month. Get family/friends to sign-up for babysitting dates/times in advance. This is vital to your relationship, as the demands of school and life can really challenge even the best of marriages ;)
3. Menus: Spend a weekend deciding on meals that you can make/freeze in advance so that your dinners are a breeze. If you can, make a week's worth of meals at a time. This will really help keep stress levels down - and save you money!
4. YOU time! Don't forget to take time for yourself. Set aside time each day (even just 15 min) to meditate, do yoga, read, talk a walk, take a hot bath....without interuption. Tell your husband to do the same - and you can be each others' support to ensure that this "time" means NO kids, no phones, no computers, just peace and quiet. Close the doors, and get your relaxation in!
Best of luck!!!