Both of my children gave up napping completely aroud the 2 year mark. If she's not cranky, I wouldn't worry about her missing it.
My daughter is soon to be 21 months old. She has been a great sleeper at night since 11 months but naps have always been an issue. Finally after weeks and weeks of the battle of the wills at nap time she finally agreed that daddy and mommy were boss and started sleeping at nap time. She did great for about two weeks. Slept every day for at least an hour sometimes even 2. Then it cut back to sleeping every other day for about 1 1/2 hours and the other days she would just play happily in her crib until I came to get her. She is now on day 4 of no nap. Just 1 1/2 hours of quiet play in her crib by herself. My question is, is she too young to give up naps? She gets at least 12 to 13 hours of sleep every night and for the most part is in a pretty good mood. Some days you can tell no nap was taken by the afternoon but she never protests to going to bed early those nights. I'm just concerned she's too young to give up her nap every day. And should I continue putting her in her crib by herself for 1 1/2 hours. Like I said she seems to have a great time but I always feel so quilty leaving her alone awake in her bed.
Both of my children gave up napping completely aroud the 2 year mark. If she's not cranky, I wouldn't worry about her missing it.
Hi T.,
My answer is a double-edged sword. As long as she is basically happy and gets her "alone/down-time" during those afternoon sessions, you're good to go. So this is a good thing. The down side is that she is giving up that nap--which I find to be a precious time of day, myself. But ultimately, I wouldn't worry.
No need to feel guilty! If she's playing happily in her crib, then she's fine. Even if she's not sleeping, it's still valuable "rest" time. My kids went through phases where they would play in the crib instead of sleeping. Sometimes these phases would last a day or two, sometimes as long as a week or two. Eventually they would start falling asleep again.
I'd say stick with putting her down. She'll probably start napping again eventually.
My opinion is that having her in her crib, awake, for 1.5hrs is perfectly fine. She is getting "quiet time." I also think that every child is different and some just don't need naps. If her behavior doesn't warrent it i really woudn't worry about keeping her awake. My 20 month old sometimes gets a nap.. and other times doesn't. If she doens't get a nap many times I will put her to bed a tad early at night. It is her behavior that should guide you.
I'd keep putting her down. My daughter is almost 3 and she's gone through lots of phases where she won't nap, but then she starts again. Now she goes in for a nap every day but only sleeps about 3-4 days a week. Don't feel guilty about leaving her in there awake! She needs a little down-time and I'm sure you do too!
I know some children give up naps at an early age, so I don't think it's a bad thing. My four-year-old doesn't nap anymore, but she does have a quiet time, and it helps greatly. I can tell on the days she doesn't. If your daughter is happy to stay quietly in her crib, then it's probably good for her. She has a time to rest and recharge, even if she's not sleeping. If she's happy, I wouldn't change anything.
I would continue with the routine and put her down to "rest". Even though it's not sleep, quiet rest time can be somewhat rejuvinating. There will be times when she's tired enough to sleep. You might dry doing as much active play as you can in the morning...playground, climbing, racing etc...so as to tire her out for that nap. You may not be able to do that every day, but if you do sometimes, maybe she'll nap.
I found the time to truly stop trying for the nap was when this happened: I would put my daughter down for a nap and she would sleep...and hour and a half or so...then she wouldn't be tired for a 7-7:30 pm bedtime and she'd be up in her bed talking and playing until 9 or later. Then it was time to stop trying...because I didn't want her to sleep. I'd rather she get a long night's sleep (and give me time in the evening...) then a midday nap.
Good luck.
I had the same issue with my daughter except that she wouldn't play quietly in her crib, she screamed until i would just come get her. It could be a number of things, but i wouldn't give up on the nap quite yet. You may need to adjust the time that you put her down. Maybe take cues from her, you might be putting her down to early or you may be missing your window. Experiment with different times. I don't know what time you are doing it now but maybe try putting her down right after lunch around 1pm, or maybe she is tired around 11am. The point is, you may not be getting the timing right. Naps will always need to be adjusted, they won't be at the same time for ever. When my son switched to onew nap a day at first it was at 11am then this summer it graduated to between 1-2pm. Take cues from your daughter and go from there. if this doesn't work, she may just be one of those kids who gets enough sleep at night, if she is happy about playing in her crib for an hour or so, don't feel guilty about it, kids need to be able to play on their own with out mom or dad, and you need the time as well. So enjoy it! Good luck!
If she isn't protesting, I think an hour of quiet time is great for everyone (including you). You say she is content and just plays in her crib, which is great. If she is tired she will fall asleep. If not then she will just play and you can get some things done or take a nap yourself. At this age they do start taking less naps or one every three days or so. My nephew did the same thing. If he was really active in the morning or stayed up late then he would take a nap in the afternoon. If he was cranky or carrying on we knew he needed a nap and send him to bed. He is three now and takes a nap every few days or so. I think this is normal and as long as she isn't protesting I think this quiet time is good and it gives her a chance to take a nap if she needs to.
She isn't too young to drop the nap, but I would continue the rest time and she might surprise you and start sleeping again (as mine did). I started darkening the room more and she actually naps 2 1/2 to 3 hours a day (as well as 12 hours/sleeep at night). I put her in a bit later too (around 1 instead of 12 noon) and she is back to daily napping after a brief break. Good luck!
My daughter tried the 'no-more-naps' routine with me, too. The result was ugly: a grouchy toddler & tired mommy!
I'd still put her down for a nap. If she falls asleep- awesome! If not, the rest period will still do her good. 21 months seems young to give it up!
But here is the biggest question I have: Is her room conducive to napping?
Is her room bright and sunny or nice and dark?
Do you have mellow music or white noise to drown out the rest of the house noise?
Thinking about it- the nap routine here is a lot like bedtime routine (just daddy is missing for naps). It helps to signal that "now is the time we sleep".
You could also try putting on some pajamas, too.
Good luck! As you know, her naps are good for you, too!
PS maybe take out all toys, too! Boredom is a good way to invite the sandman in!