Helping a Kindergartener with homework, is not the same as doing it, for them.
Kids this age, cannot read like a 2nd grader anyway. If some can, that is not the majority.
But the Teacher needs to see, for herself/himself, what areas your child needs more help with. Too.
Sure, you can help your child pronounce the words. Nothing wrong with that. I do that too, with my son who just started Kinder.
Teaching phonics and reading phonetically, is a parent's job too. Not only the Teachers. This is Parenting.
Both my kids are in school now, and I also, ASIDE from school, home school them too, in other areas or areas they need more help, in.
But I don't micromanage them or do their work for them.
Let him color it yellow.
Teaching a child and helping them, is not the same as doing the work, for them.
And for the future, MOST Teachers, have websites & e-mail addresses, which you can see by going to the school's website. Then you CAN contact the Teacher, anytime. For any questions or clarifications you wonder about.
I do that.
It is no big deal.
That is the form of communication for Teachers/Parents, nowadays.