Hi Michal!, so , there is a lot of information here, hopefully it is not too overwhelming. Your problem is on a vicious cycle, and it may take some time (and work) to get it back to normal, but you can do it. The information that I am giving you is from the book "Why Do I Feel This Way?" by Christine Gaber and Charlene Day. This is an incredible resource, and I can order a copy for you, or you can get if from the Frontrunners (www.thefrontrunners.com).
Here are some thing that can help: A change of eating habits and food choices- lots of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables, decerase of processed, refined packaged foods. Increase Essential fatty acids. Increase pure water intake- minimum of 6-8 cups daily- juice, coffee, soda, tea, milk do not count! An excersise routine. Stress management. When you do do have urge to go - NEVER ignore it! Avoid commercial laxatives- they can weaken colon muscles. Increase fiber through dietery choices. Herbal supplements that promote bowel health (should be a gentle, natural product that can help return the bowels to a healthier state by retraining the peristalic action). Digestive enzymes that help break down food. Rebalancing the good/bad bacteria with in the intestinal tract. Supplement with a high- quality acidophilus/microflora product. Ensure it contains high amounts of bioavailable, bioactive 'good' bacteria from a human (not cow) source. Try fresh juicing. A colon cleanse may help. And I strongly suggest several products from Shaklee- I will list them off and then you can read about them at this web-site (http://www.shaklee.net/startahealthylife) There is a difference in products out there- be an informed consumer and do your research. (I am, however, a firm believer in Shaklee- I have used their products with lots of success for many years.) Here is what I recommend for you: Optiflora prebiotic and probiotic system, Herb-lax, alfalfa, EZ-Gest, Osteomatrix (relaxes muscles- should help getting things going), Omegaguard, Vitamin C, Protein (Energizing Soy protein or instant protein), B-Complex, Carotomax, Flavomax, Vitamin E, Zinc, Immunity Formula 1, CoQHeart, and the Pain Relief Complex has been found to be extremely helpful for if you are in pain. This is a long list, I know, but even if you can only do a few, I think that you can really benefit. ( If you are interested, let me know and I can help you with research in finding a plan that will work best for you.)
Other recommendations: Look for food sensitivites/and allergies. May be beneficial to lightly steam veggies. Avoid sugars, grains, carbs, dairy, alcohol, caffeine, soda and processed foods. Look into possibility of Candida. Another book that is recommended, "Breaking the Vicious Cycle" by Elaine Gottscall. If you want more information or have more questions, please feel free to e-mail me at ____@____.com Hope you find some relief soon!
H. Gaitten