M.: My son who is now 20months has FPIES (Food Protein Induced Entercolits Syndrome) and MFPI (Muliple Food Protein Intolerance). Another mom and I just partnered with Partnerships 4cures.org and our website thepicfoundation.org should be up and running here in the next week or so. There are some great articles on the differences between intolerance and allergy. When feeding a child who has intolerances or allergies the best advice is to wait till they are atleast 6months to allow their bellies and systems to mature a little more. Both intolerance and allergies have reactions besides just blood in the stool (which not all the time can you tell if there is blood). Right now there isn't a true testing for intolerances as there is fod food allergies. CHOPS Dr. Spergal is has been working on the Patch Testing to help identify things, and currently it has worked for FPIES cases. It is probably best to start a food journal for your child. This way you will know what the reactions are and what the food was that caused it. Just know that sometimes reactions can take up to 22hrs to show. Some kids have delayed reactions and some can only tolerate a little bit at a time. It is alot to take in when given the diagnosis but things do get better and easier. Most kids with MSPI are likely to outgrow this between 1 and 2 years. Hang in there!
D. B.