Was he officially diagnosed with lactose intolerance? Because I am breastfeeding and my 4 month just started going through a very fussy time including not napping well and getting up several timeas at night also. I did some research of my own and discovered there is such a thing as lactose overload when you are breastfeeding. This means that when you are breastfeeding the baby is not eating long enough to get the hindmilk(the fatty milk)produced at the end of a nursing session, it takes longer to digest this part. Therefore it is digested much faster and irritating the digestive system and the only way for the baby to get comfortable is to nurse again and it is a vicious cycle. I found out the way to solve this is by limiting nursing sessions to every 3 hrs and nursing from the same breast for 2 feedings a row. I have heard that many Dr.s don't know of this and are quick to diagnose babies as lactose intolerant and advise to quit breastfeeding. Dont know if this applys to you or not, but it might worth checking into. Hope this helps.