I have had BV a few times and it's such an annoyance. I wish you good luck and I will say a prayer for you. Here's some info I got off of www.WebMD.com for you. I hope it helps.
What causes bacterial vaginosis?
The cause of bacterial vaginosis is poorly understood. But, experts have found a number of risk factors that can lead to a drop in "good" lactobacillus. (These bacteria normally keep "bad" bacteria from overgrowing in the vagina. They are different from dairy lactobacillus.) These risk factors include having multiple sex partners, having a female sex partner, recent or current infection with certain sexually transmitted diseases, douching, and intrauterine device (IUD) use.
What are the symptoms?
The most notable symptom of bacterial vaginosis is an excessive, bad-smelling, grayish-white vaginal discharge. A "fishy" smell, which is usually worse after sex, is a telltale sign of bacterial vaginosis. However, about half of women with bacterial vaginosis have no noticeable symptoms.
How is it treated?
Bacterial vaginosis is typically treated with antibiotic medication. Metronidazole or clindamycin are the first-choice treatments for bacterial vaginosis. If you aren't pregnant, you can choose to take it by mouth (orally) or by inserting it into the vagina. If you are pregnant, you will most likely be given an oral antibiotic: this is considered the safest way to treat during pregnancy.
Antibiotic treatment for bacterial vaginosis can lead to vaginal yeast infections because the medications change the balance of organisms in the vagina, allowing an excess of yeast to grow. You may be able to prevent this by regularly eating yogurt with active Lactobacillus acidophilus culture or taking L. acidophilus dietary supplements.
Because bacterial vaginosis is not caused by sexually transmitted organisms, treating your sex partner does not help cure you.
Here's the link so you can see the page I got this from: