TAPE her diapers on her! I've had to do this with 2 of my kids! I always used masking tape and sometimes I would come home and my husband would have used duct tape! He's not as patient as I am! It doesn't take long for them to figure out they can't get it off and then they kind of forget about it.
I've potty trained 4 kids, all of them when they are barely two. I was lucky because they were ready and wanted to do it. If she isn't interested, let it be. Watch her carefully for signs of readiness. You'll just kind of know when she is ready. Just by you expressing that she might be too young tells me that she probably is. A pre-potty training tip that I can give you is this:
I started putting my kids on the big potty before baths. 99% of the time they do nothing, wipe their bums and flush the toilet. It's just a fun thing so they aren't scared when' it's time.
The BEST advice I can give for potty training is to ALWAYS remember that it is going to be her success, not yours. You just have to roll with punches. There are two things you can't force a kid to do and that is to eat and use the bathroom. I know you aren't that far yet, but it might be something to keep in mind.
Also, whenever you are potty training and she wets her underwear, you can give her a choice of a diaper or new panties. More times than not, mine would use the new pair of panties (and sometimes just to pee them again!).
Nevertheless, it was their decision. Give her a lot to drink and take her to the bathroom often.
For what it's worth, that's what I've got for you!