I have a 9 year old son who still wets the bed, and he had started having occassional day accidents that he was completely unaware of. We went to a Chiropractor and has spinal adjustments to "release pressure on the nerve that feeds to the bladder an urethra" - it didn't work. We have -tried waking him at night - it didn't help. We are now seeing pediatric urologist. My son apparently has extremely small bladder capacity (like he needs to empty when there are only 75 ml of urine in his bladder, when he should be able to hold 300 ml or more) - he was diagnosed with chronic constipation by the urologist and we are treating that before having further testing. The urologist's position is that it is still normal up unitl age 15 - that about 20% of children will stop bedwetting each year - so that by age 15 only about 1% still wet - those are the kids they are concerned about. The success rate of other therapies (such as medicine have the same success rate as doing nothing.) - The greatest success is supposed to be with the alarm - but the child has to want to do it for it to be successful - my son doesn't want to try it yet.
I know it is hard - I would take him to the doctor if you already haven't. We just don't treat it like a big deal - so he won't feel bad about himself.
feel free to email me direct anytime.