I used to live in Phoenix, and learned that the smaller and more translucent, the more toxic they are....which basically means they are harder to see.
She needs to call an exterminator, especially if she lives in a newer housing division or new housing is nearby. When the ground and dirt is recently disturbed the scorpions look for quieter and cooler surroundings. If she's in an older sub-division, she could probably be safe buying insecticides at at Home Depot and spraying all the doors and entry ways herself.
And, twice we found a small, translucent scorpion in our home, over a 5 year period.
When I was in the Army, we would always have a soldier get one in his boots while training in Texas. Every year, no matter how many times we told people to check their boots, someone would forget. And that soldier would be sent to the hospital too. They always were next year's checker reminder.