I had problems with my oldest daughter too, and in the end, she still did not get what she needed. She was on an IEP. I had to be VERY DEMANDING!! YOU ARE THE ONLY ADVOCATE FOR YOUR CHILD! I demanded that the teachers were accountable to me...not to my daughter. I demanded that I had weekly updates from ALL TEACHERS! I told them that I DID NOT CARE about their workload. It is your daughter's right to an education regardless of her ADD, etc.
There are laws that protect her rights. You might need to get a lawyer. I had to threaten one! DEMAND that you have an IEP meeting RIGHT NOW! Tell them your expectations. Does she need one on one tutoring? Does she need less or modified assignments? It is the school district's responsibility to figure all that out. DO NOT LET THEM DRAG THEIR FEET...CAUSE THEY WILL!!! Tell them that you want a meeting in one week with solutions to this problem. No if and's or buts.
It is one thing to feel bad for the teacher's and their obvious workload, overcrowded classrooms, higher expectations from their districts and from government mandates, but you are are not able to help them with that problem. You are here for your daughter and only your daughter. They keep asking for understanding, but the truth is...the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Good luck! I totally understand your frustration. Just remember though...ADD or NO ADD, your daughter will have to learn to adjust to the 'real' world. Many high school teachers and counselors believe that it is also their job to prepare them for the real world. She needs to take her meds every day. She needs to be responsible for taking her own notes and write her assignments in her planner. Teacher's can not perform miracles. If she is not 'functional', then you need to find an alternative learning situation for her. The regular high schools are not the place and they can't help her.
Pray lots! Advocate lots! Teach your daughter how to do for herself. There are many functioning ADD'ers out there. You do want her to be one of them, I'm sure. :)
Take Care!