While it is scary to think of you 5 yr old gettingthat many shots, think of the alternative also. What diseases ar these shots going to prevent? Are they worse than the shots themselves? Would you rather her suffer the shots or the disease? In most cases the shot is less traumatic. I have always questioned vaccines. But when it comes down to it, i wold usually rather have my kids get the shot than the disease. Problems with accines are usually do to an underlying medical condition, allergies, other health problems. Make sure your daughter is not sick when she gets them, it lessens the risk. I also weight as long as I can so that they are as old as possible. My sons preschool recently tried to make me get his kindergarten shots. He turns 5 in Sept, but because his b-day is so late in the month, he won't start kindergarten for another year. All I had to do to get the school off my back is get a note from the DR stating that I would get his shots when he actualy starts kindergarten. I also reccommend doing them all at once, it is less traumatic that way. In my dr's office they have 2 nurses give the shots and they do them at exactly the same time. If you can get your dr to do that she will only feel the shots 2 times instead of 4 times, less pain, less trauma. And you don't want her to associate every dr visit with pain, or they will becaome a traumatic and horrible experience, no matter what the visit is for. Whatever you decid, your dr should support you, you are the parent, you know your child better than anyone else. I have worked with dr's for 16 yrs, and my mom has all of my life, they usually have a good reason for doing things the way they do it. Find out what it is. These diseases will come back if people don't vaccinate. Research the vaccines. Make sure they have no mercury in them, most vaccines no longer do. If your religious, pray. Then go with your gut, and what you feel is best for your child, not whas bet for others, including the parents.