Sunshine: I grew up with a sister with Type 1 and both my parents have developed Type 2. "Addicted to insulin"..Never heard that one. My family's biggest worry was that my sister wasn't taking her insulin at all.
As for you A. Y. I think the flat blunt truth usually shuts people up quick.
You going for a girl this time? Nope.
How many times are you going to try for that girl? Not trying, just like making babies.
How many kids ARE you going to have? As many as we want.
And, if I do end up finding out it's a girl or boy - I'll probably get...
If it's a boy - You disappointed? Yes, (Sad sigh) I was hopping for a guinea pig.
If it's a girl - Are you excited? No, still no guinea pig.
Or, It's about time.... Eh, a guinea pig would have been cheaper.