Oh boy, you asked a loaded question...every Mom of an ADHD kid has held back a million one liners or come up with that thing to say just a few minutes too late...
I wish that they knew that it was a medical problem, like any other body disfunction, brains are flesh and blood and can have issues that are treated effectively with medical intervention. Some disfuncitons, like diabetes, require a change in behavior, and this is the way that ADHD is like diabetes (in most other comparisons, it stinks) Insert what people say about ADHD into a discussion about a kindey problem, and it just becomes rediculous and crewl. Johnny can keep from peeing his pants sometimes, so he does not need medication to control his kidneys, it is a big cop out by his parents....uhg.
Drugs that make kids "zombies" don't really exist for the treatment of ADHD, and if a drug was used that sedated your kid, you have the wrong drug or a terrible prescriber and you should seek better care. People have bad reactions to drugs all the time, and no one thinks that treatment for other meidcal problems (like cancer, or arthritis) causes them to be guenea pigs, but we love to say that about brain disorders. No one sets out to make kids zombies, we set out to make them well and medication is a tool that helps them access all the therapy they need to get well. Medication alone is wrong, and I don't know very many parents who would even consider medication as a comprehensive treatment. Why do people assume atomatically that we just use a pill and don't drive our kids to play therapy, cognative behavioral therapy, speech therapy, social skills classes, OT, and tutoring?
Sugar and red food coloring are not to blame. If this is your opinon, keep it to yourself, it does not help me, and if it did, my child would not eat skittles. It is so out there, every parent of a kid with ADHD has heard it, and considered it.
If tradtional dicipline that worked for your typical child were going to work for mine, it would have worked the 1st, 10th, 100th, or 1000th time I did it, so I don't need you to tell me about time out, or being consistent, and you telling my child that Santa won't come this year is just not helpful either.
On that same subject, when my very well behaved, typical child is sitting next to me while you lecture me about how terrible my parenting skills are, how do you think the typical one got to be so well behaved? Just saying...
Last, have a little compassion. There are only so many presentations for things that go wrong with the brain, and your child is one very high fever, terrible illness, or accident away from having issues with a brain disorder that are very simular to those that come along with ADHD. You might not walk in my shoes now, but you could, and we are the people who will understand what you are going through if you have a tradgedy.