I'm really sorry that you are going through this. At this point, you need to get him emotionally stable before worrying about the Asperger's. It's contributory, but pales in comparison to what you are describing.
I have worked with children with Asperger's for years and my husband was diagnosed as an adult.
The FIRST thing you need to do is find a psychiatrist and therapist outside of the hospital for on-going support and accurate diagnosis. When he's stable, they can assess him for Asperger's. Right now is not the time to do that.
Treatment for Asperger's is vague, as there is no clear "course" that you follow. It depends on the individual. Primarily, though, it involves significant social skills training and helping the child learn to take perspective and how to interact with peers appropriately. It takes time, but children and adults with Asperger's (not High Functioning Autism- very different) can often lead very successful lives, especially in the fields of math and science.
Get the depression and anxiety stabilized first, then get him involved with a good therapist and ideally a community and/or school-based social skills group.