I have had asthma since childhood.
It is dangerous and fatal if not managed.
You do need the prednisone to reduce blocked/constricted airways... if a person cannot get enough oxygen in their system, thus their bloodstream, it can cause an emergency situation and it also stresses the heart... due to lack of oxygen.
Once it is under control, then there are inhalers to use for 'maintenance." This is important. If the lungs are not managed well, it can cause permanent damage.
The inhalers, help to heal the lungs and reduce constriction of the bronchial tubes. Thus helping breathing.
talk with the Doc and learn all you can.
How does asthma feel? it feels like you are suffocating. Literally. "Wheezing" is just one indication of labored breath and that the bronchial airways are constricted... thus one cannot breathe.
there are all kinds of things you can do to reduce "triggers" for asthma... but each person is different.
There are also many different kinds of inhalers. So ask the Doctor.
Next, see an Asthma Specialist.
If you give him willy-nilly alternative treatments, when he is actively having an asthma attack/episode, you will not be helping him. Meanwhile, he will be suffering. Each person, is affected differently... thus you cannot just do/use what others may use or do.
all the best,