This link will tell you about the peak flow meter and how it is used how to use it.
I have Asthma myself, since I was a child.
The peak flow meter, is ALSO so that, YOU will know... when your child is in duress or at an emergency situation with his breathing. Because a young child does not know yet, nor do you.
For myself, I can tell what levels my lungs are at and I know my Asthma, very well for myself.
Asthma attacks or inability to breathe... can come on VERY suddenly. So please.... keep that in mind.
You should be, seeing a Pulmonologist. Not just a regular Pediatrician.
I have never had, "fevers" with my Asthma.
When I have had fevers, it was because:
I was sick with a head cold
Or sick with a chest cold
Or had the Flu
Or had a strep infection.
Once I even had Pneumonia.
So, I would take your child to a Specialist.
ASK THE DOCTOR about any questions you have.
Asthma, is not something to take lightly.
And learn all you can about it.