I myself like the longer leagal names. My oldest is Vincent Andrew. He's 2 and we still call him Vincent. On rare occasion his daycare lady calls him Vinny and I've used it once or twice two, but he doesn't respond to it like he does with Vincent. In fact I often use his first and middle name together, I just like the way it sounds. I am actually hoping Vinny is not what he commonly becomes called as he gets older. I guess when he grows up, he can decide if he wants to be called Vinny, but I'll be calling him Vincent and the rest of the family does too.
Our youngest is Ian Thomas.
I wanted some not so typical names for our kids, where my husband wanted some more traditional (he is like you, didn't want it to sound made up ect.) We chose Vincent, because it's not a common name for his age and it is more traditional..in fact we found out it's a name in his family tree going back to the family coming to America...(although we didn't realize it at the time.).
Ian isn't quite as traditional, but we just weren't liking many names in the book the second time around and it sounds really good with his middle name, which is more traditional.