Hi...I'm also H. B. and I have an almost 8 month old daughter. I recently posted a request about other foods to go along with the baby food because my daughter has started to lose interest in it also. I got a lot of good suggestions so you might want to read them. I think the request was titled something like "Solid Food, Yobaby Yogurt/Strawberry? Cheese?" and I posted it last week, maybe Friday.
Since then, we have tried avocados, she loved them, mandarin oranges, she liked those ok, bananas she hates, and YoBaby yogurt, she ate it like she liked it one day but not the next day. I have also given her a few bites of cheese now. If you're not already doing this, try mixing his baby food with rice cereal to make it thick and lumpy; he may just need a change in texture.
Also remember that he is getting most of his nutrients through the formula so it's more important for him to have that bottle than it is to eat the baby food.
Good luck.