I didn't do goody bags at the first bday party. You might fix a little bag for each one separately. I would think play-doh and a cookie cutter would be suitable for all the ages after all there going to have adult supervision. You might put some fruit snacks in the older ones. As far as seating let the children set at the table you might have a booster seat available for the two year old. The 9 months and 1 year will probably be in Mom or Dad's lap. Don't sweat the small stuff. Oh and if any help after about 4 big B'day blow outs I've learned not to overdue it with the parties. I always try to feed everyone lunch and its just to much to fit into a 2 hr span and the stress of getting everything ready you can't even enjoy yourself or your child on their Birthday. Go simple and best of luck. I love the pink and brown deco so cute!