As long as your baby is communicating with you through some means (giggles and crying), I would not be concerned. They all reach their milestones on their own time especially in the first few years. Relax and enjoy your baby!
My almost 6 month old will sometimes try to talk but most of the time if he is trying to connect with us it is through crying. He laughs and giggles when he is happy but there isn't really much middle ground. I just thought that by now he should be doing more baby talk and less crying. Is this something to be worried about?
As long as your baby is communicating with you through some means (giggles and crying), I would not be concerned. They all reach their milestones on their own time especially in the first few years. Relax and enjoy your baby!
Are you teaching him baby signs? If not you may want to so he can get his point across to you.
Your child would actually be ahead of the game if he were making baby talk. There is no definitive timeline Especially if there is an older sibling who is very talkative. In that case, those children often hit physical developmental milestones first. My 9 month old is just now saying her "ba, ba ba's" and "ma, ma's" But she is considered developmentally on target. Your pediatrician should be giving you this information or I would be searching for a new one.
mine didn't start until around 8 months or so. Keep talking to him in a normal tone and real words. DO NOT talk baby talk to him, it will only slow down the talking process.
Every baby is different. Mine babbled a blue streak, but he never talked until closer to 3. Crying at this age is pretty normal though. I wouldn't worry yet. Enjoy your baby. He'll be talking before you know it and you'll be asking yourself, "why did I want him to talk?"
My son made NO sounds whatsoever until 8 months and the doctor said that 8 months was their cutoff point of saying something is wrong. They did a hearing test on my son and he could not hear due to fluid on the ears and numerous ear infections. So, he got tubes. Shortly after the tubes were put in, he started babbling.
I think if you son is making some cooing noises/sounds, then you are probably just fine. I did teach my son sign language though and that did help a lot in communicating with him. He ended up having to have speech therapy because he was speech delayed.
Personally I would not be worried, however I waited too long to have my son seen for other development concerns. Once i did address them things have been moving quite well. If you are concerned enough to have a professional's opinion and you are not able to get in to the pedi or you feel your concern is not being heard by him/her contact ECI. Early Childhood Intervention. They work from birth to 3 years with any need your child may have. It does not cost to have the evaluations and after that services do not cost much either. If you are concerned or just want reassurance i would contact them, i did and things are moving quite well for us.