This is the only place I ever see anyone stating its not proper to have more than one baby shower. Ive always felt, and so do most of my friends, that every baby should be celebrated and its fun to have friends and family for a party and bring gifts. If I cant afford a big gift I dont buy a big gift. I dont feel guilty spending less than $10 on a pack of onesies, or a baby toy. I also feel wonderful when I have the chance to make a baby quilt, and can make one for a lot less than some spend on a gift that will be used a couple times and then be grown out of or set aside in a few months never to be used again. Baby clothes are great to hand down but what if the sibling is born in a different season, or a completely different size. Colors fade, fabric weakens and elastic stops stretching. Not every baby can use big brothers stuff. What I dont understand is why so many brides want a big party, big shower, big wedding, when they are going into their 2nd or 3rd marriage and have been living with the guy for a couple years.(and probably already have kids together) I wont buy a gift for that. But it never fails, their friends get caught up in the "romance" of a wedding and everyone is suddenly onboard. Id rather celebrate a new life instead of a rerun wedding.