It really stinks to be sick and sick with pregnancy. I feel for you. I have to say, please stop all the o-t-c medications. They are full of alchohol and who knows what else that could be harmful to your baby who is at a very vulnerable stage right now. I know you just want to get better, and reaching out for support and ideas shows that you are wanting to do what is best for your baby as well.
However, meds just put a bandaid on your sickness. Will they help take away pain or help you sleep for a while. Yes. But it really isn't getting to the source of your sickness and helping you HEAL. You need to make sure you are getting some more protien. Preferably from beef. Even if it's just a good beef broth. The homemade kind, or at least a store bought one that is low sodium, no msg, and as natural as possilbe. Chicken soup is always good too. The protien really helps build up immunities and red blood cells. Whatever veggies and fruits you can handle. I know there are alot of herbs that have amazing healing properties in them. I'm not an expert in that, so can't recommend anything specific. Googling it will give you lots of info, or other moms out there might know. ALOT of water, and drink some warm milk, or chammomile tea to help relax you so you can sleep. Sleep is the main thing you need to help your body recover. I know it's not easy with a 20month old around. Is there someone who can come over and watch him while you nap?
Yes, you will be fine and get through this. Your baby will be fine. However, if you really want to take good care of yourself and your baby, it's always best to start healing yourself with the abundance of what our mother earth has to offer.
Much healing energy to you.
mom of 4