If you have pets, no matter how you clean the carpet or cement floor, if they've peed on it, the smell will linger. I found out the hard way that every time it rained in our house, and then the furnace or AC ran, the house would stink like cat urine, because our cat had started peeing in the corner of the basement. My mother-in-law found a great cleaning product on-line, so I bought it for our basement, and I think it really works! It's called Just Rite Cleaning Products, Inc, and the system consists of two or three bottles of product, depending on whether your using it for carpet or cement. I used it in our basement, and unless our cat urinated again, I couldn't tell that we'd had an odor problem, even when it rained! If you want more info, just go to the website at www.justrite.com. There's also a customer service line to call, and the gentleman who owns the company is very knowledgeable. Maybe he can help you with your situation, too! Good luck!