Our pediatrician feels it is normal for boy's at this age to still wet the bed and not to fuss over it. I beg to differ. Being the mother of four boy's I only have one that still has accidents. My five year old, Tyler is a very sound sleeper and wets almost every night. He only had two accident while at school and it had to do with waiting too long. My experience has been that pull-up only reinforce that going in your pants is okay and they often forget they don't have one on. I do not use pull-ups. I change the bed daily with my son and we make it up every evening so he knows how fun it really isn't peeing in the bed. I do not ridicule him for his accidents. I had a brother who wet the bed until he was almost sixteen and saw his self-esteem in the toilet over an embarassing battle during his youth. I get up numerous times in the evenings to get him up to go pee and many times he's already wet. I wake him, we change the bed, go pee and then get back into bed and try again. My SD wet the bed until she was eight. Eventually they learn to either hold it all night or get up on their own. I did not carry my children to the potty while breaking bed-wetting I've made each and every one of my children walk on their own to the rest roon, so they learn the drill on their own. I thankfully had all the other boy's and my daughter trained well before 2.
I also cut fluids off by 6 PM and always reinforce that if we keep drinking we'll have an accident and wet the bed.
If you and your husband argue regarding bed-wetting or other child related issues you are only adding to the problems long term. Work together as a team then you will overcome this hurdle. Seems like you may have different child rearing styles and you both need to learn to take things offline or walk away and discuss matters later when you are both rational. Easier said than done...I know, but you owe it to your children and your own well being.