I agree with Britney. You need to bond with your boy. He probably bonded with the nurses who took care of him a little. By bonding, I mean he needs to get used to you, his new home, sleeping arrangements..etc. The swaddling is great comfort too. Just hold him as much as you both enjoy. Too soon, he will be pushing away and wanting to explore his new world. Enjoy every sniff of his little tiny baby-smell head, and enjoy every little cuddle. What a precious gift you have!
The wide awake thing...keep all lights and sound off during the night. If you need to block light from coming into the windows, do it. If he doesn't have something to catch his attention, he will settle down quick. White noise is the only other thing I would try, if the dark, quiet doesn't work by itself. We have a good fan that makes a great humming sound:)
God Bless, S.
Oh, and I want to add, It's a great idea to have him sleep in his own bed. Start with naps first. If you have a bassinet, though...he should be in your room at night for a couple months. You'll be able to respond to him quicker when he's hungry or needs a diaper, Before he has a chance to get all worked up:) The calmer you both are at night, the easier it will be to go back to sleep. You'll know his cries fast and be able to respond soon by just looking at the clock and knowing what is next even before he starts to cry. You'll hear him grunting or "talking" and know if it's comfort, food or cleanliness he's needing.
Good Luck and trust your instincts.